Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Haven River, VT

39 days out and I'm creeking didn't even hurt that bad. The New Haven River is a mile of excellent low-stress creeking: slides, boulder gardens, funky slots, a waterfall, and the fact that it comes up easily combine to make this one of the best miles of river in New England. Below 1000 cfs, it's only really IV+, but it's still good fun, and when it seems to get hit by every thunderstorm and run at least once a week in the summer (when just about nothing else runs), that's perfectly fine. Went up last Thursday and shot a few pictures.

Ben Peters on Toaster, the 15 foot waterfall

Kurt Kostyu on the aptly named All American Boof

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Back on the Water

5 weeks out and I'm paddling again...35 days without whitewater is too long. Two laps on the Dryway (Deerfield River, MA) today with the Ledyard crew. Snapped a few cool photos:

Labyrinth wave.

The crew in Dragon's Tooth.

Also went to the Black River Festival last's a fun time. I wasn't kayaking, but I did attempt to surf an inflatable pool. I took a lot of pictures at Hole Brothers so if you were there there might be a few shots of you on my Picasa.

Dave Goldberg surfing Hole Bros.